How Coloron Works

How Coloron Works

COLORON solutions are designed to enhance red-green colour vision for individuals with varying degrees of red-green colour vision deficiencies. Our expertise in colour vision enhancement stems from decades of scientific research. Our advanced COLORON lenses are specifically designed to aid those with red-green colour vision deficiency, enabling better colour distinction through precise wavelength filtering. Discover how our innovative technology can enhance your visual experience.

Colour vision deficiency (CVD) is a quite common condition: roughly 32 million people are affected in Europe alone. There’s a colour deficient person in every second (extended) family and a colour deficient child sitting in every third classroom. 

There are multiple types of CVD, as well as different levels of severity. Most colour vision deficient people have red-green type CVD and experience difficulty distinguishing yellow, orange, red, green and brown - roughly all shades of colours except for blue and violet. At times, this can make it difficult to perform certain tasks that involve colours.

Colour Vision Deficiency occurs when the wavelength sensitivities of particular photo receptor cells in the eye overlap more than they should - this increased overlap causes many colours to be indistinguishable from one another.COLORON optics are designed to eliminate wavelengths of light which contribute to the signal overlap, and to amplify the red-green signals entering the eye.

How COLORON glasses work
How COLORON glasses work

By filtering out the wavelengths with the highest overlap, the COLORON lenses are designed to improve the distinction between colours.

This results in a broader spectrum of colours and hues and enables both protan (red) and deutan (green) colour vision deficiency types to differentiate with better success. COLORON colour vision enhancing glasses are not a cure, but a versatile tool that can be activated on demand to enable functional colour vision for when its needed.

COLORON optics are designed to eliminate specific
wavelengths of light contributing to a signal overlap.

By changing the input to the visual system COLORON optics amplify the red-green signals entering the eye, thereby creating a more complete visual experience.

Confusion zone
Confusion zone
COLORON lens filtering out the confusion zone
COLORON lens filtering out the confusion zone
Colour Vision Simulator
Experience how people with colour vision deficiency see our world!
Colour Vision Simulator Colour Vision Simulator
Will COLORON work for me?
COLORON glasses have shown to significantly reduce Ishihara errors from 12 to 2 on average. Users also experience nearly a 50% improvement in colour identification within a few weeks. Continuous use of the glasses helps in "colour training," allowing patients to better distinguish colours over time. Effectiveness may vary based on the type and severity of your colour vision deficiency, so it's recommended to try them in different settings and consult with an eye care professional for personalised advice.

Coloron Lens Guide

Coloron Lens Guide

Which lens is for me?

COLORON lenses are designed for protan and deutan type colour vision enhancement. Indoor and outdoor. We offer a range of red-green colour vision enhancing glasses and clips designed for different needs.

The Xperience Lenses are ideal for everyday use. They enhance general colour perception, making colours more vibrant and are great for activities like cooking, appreciating the arts, enjoying nature, clothes shopping.

The Strong Lenses work best for tasks requiring precise red-green colour differentiation. They help distinguish red-green colours for short-term, functional tasks and are perfect for activities like reading charts, picking fruit, or fixing electronics.